61 year old male with loss of consciousness

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New admission, icu bed 4
61 Yr male , 

Came with chief complaints of brief loss of consciousness on 19/08/22. His GRBS on admission was 39mg/dl. After connecting on 25D he regained his consciousness.

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs back Then he developed weakness for which he went to hospital & diagnosed with HTN & was started on Tab. TELMA- AM . But was on irregular medication. Then he was fine till yesterday night. Then he had dinner & took HTN medication. Then he suddenly had brief loss of consciousness for 2 hrs

K/c/o HTN Since 3 yrs ( not on regular medication) 
Not a k/c/o DM , TB , Epilepsy ,Asthma ,Thyroid.

Personal History
Diet: Mixed
B&B :Regular
Sleep: Adequate
Micturition: Normal
No allergies
Addictions:Occasionally takes alcohal

Family History
No Family History of DM HTN Asthma Cardiac diseases.

Treatment History
On irregular treatment of HTN 
Takes tab Telma .

S :he is concious 

General Examination 
Pt. Is concious , coherent and copertative.
No Pallor
No Icterus
No Cyanosis 
No Lymphadenopathy
PR 67bpm
RR 18cpm
TEMP : 97.9°F
BP 110/80 mmHg
SpO2 98%
GRBS 39 gm/dl

Systemic Examination 
RS: BAE+, clear No wheeze ,dyspnoea.
CVS: S1 S2 + , NO added sounds or murmers.
P/A: soft and non tender No organomegaly.
CNS : No focal Neurolical deficit.

Provisional diagnosis
Hypoglycemia secondary to OHA under evaluation.


provisional diagnosis: hypoglycemia secondary to OHA  under evaluation. 

1. IVF DNS @75 ml/hr 

S : no fresh complaints 

Pt. Is concious, coherent, cooperative 
PR 68bpm
RR 18cpm
TEMP : 98.7 F
BP 120/80 mmHg
RS: BAE+, clear 
CVS: S1 S2 + , NO added sounds 
P/A: soft and non tender. 

A Hypoglycemia under evaluation

Plan of treatment 
1. Stop OHA
2. IV fluids 25% dextrose infusion @ 10ml/ hr
3. Hourly GRBS monitoring
4.tab. telma 40mg po/od
5. Megaheal ointment for leg ulcer/tid
6. Bp/pr/temp monitoring 8th hourly 

S:No fresh complaints

Pt. Is conscious coherent and copertative.
PR 74bpm
RR 17/min
TEMP 98.5 F
BP 130/80 mmHg
RS BAE+,clear
CVS S1S2 + No added sounds
P/A soft and non tender
CNS  NO Neurolical abnormalities 
GRBS @ 8 am 96mg/dl

Plan of treatment
1.Stop OHA
2.IV fluids 25% Dextrose infusion @10ml/hr 
3.Tab .Telma 40mg / po/ OD
4.Megaheal Ointment for L/A /BD
5.Hourly GRBS Monitoring
6.BP / Temp/ PR charting 8 hourly


S : No fresh complaints

Pt. Is conscious coherent and copertative
RR 18 cpm
TEMP 98.7
BP 120/70mmHg
RS :BAE + ,clear
CVS: S1,S2 Heard , no added sounds
CNS :NO abnormalities 
P/A Soft and non tender
GRBS @ 8 am 134mh/dl

Plan of treatment
1.Stop OHA
2.Tab Telma 40 mg /po/OD
3.Megaheal Ointment for L/A BD
4.Hourly GRBS Monitoring
5.Bp/ Temp / PR monitoring every 8 hourly


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