19 year old with fever and cough

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 19 year old girl, hailing from Narketpally,  came to the OPD with chief complaints of fever and cough since 15 days

patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 months back she developed fever, after the fever subscied she started having pain in the small joints PIP, DIP, MIP etc. Subcided with medication and relapse after stopping the medication.patient had h/o of migratory polyarthritis, h/o of dragging type of pain in both lower limbs( ankle joint spared), h/o of decreased appetite for 2 months, h/o pain abdomen ( spasmodic type) for 5 days and not associated with loose stools and there was h/o of vomitings for 2 days non bilious , non projectile containing food particles and headache, which was diagnosed to be SLE
 And now she is complaning of fever since 15 days, which is continuous high grade fever associated with chills and rigor, no diurnal variation, no history of vomitings, diarrhoea, burning micturition

Past history : has no history of allergies , asthma, epilepsy,  TB, any thyroid disorders 

Family History: Not significant

Treatment History: She is on the medication of SLE .She is taking Azathioprine  and  wysolone tablets.

Personal history : She is a student of Bsc nursing 1st year.
Diet ‐ mixed
Appetite ‐ normal 
Sleep ‐ adequate
Bowel and Bladder movements ‐ regular 

General Examination: the patient is conscious,  coherent,  cooperative,  moderately built and nourished.
Pallor,Icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,  generalised lymphadenopathy,  pedal edema are absent. 
Erythematous rash is seen on the nasal bridge and cheeks.
Temperature ‐ 98.3F
Pulse rate ‐ 98 bpm
BP ‐ 140/90 mmHg
RR 18cpm
SpO2 96%

Systemic examination : 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs 
RS :BAE + ,NVBS heard 
P/A :soft , non tender ,no organomegaly ,no distension ,bowel sounds heard
CNS: no focal neurological deficits

Provisional diagnosis: viral pyrexia with know case of SLE

1.inj Neomol 1gm iv infusion if fever more than 102 F
2.Tab Dolo 650 mg po/BD
3.Tab PAN 40mg po/ OD BBF
4.IVF 10 NS 100ml hr
5.Wysalone 30 mgOD/PO
6.Tab Azathioprine 50mg PO/OD
7.Temp monitoring every 4 hourly
8.Vitals monitoring every 4 hourly.


Diagnosis:viral pyrexia  under evaluation and known case of SLE.

Pt. Is conscious coherent and copertative
RR 18 cpm
TEMP 98.7
BP 100/70mmHg
RS :BAE + ,clear
CVS: S1,S2 Heard , no added sounds
CNS :NO abnormalities 
P/A Soft and non tender

Plan of treatment
1.Dolo 650 mg PO/TD
2.Inj ceftrioxone 1mg po/OD
3.Tab cetrizine 10 mg PO/OD
5.Tab Azathioprine 50mg po/OD
6.pan 40 mgpo/OD
7.Ivf 10 NS 10 RL @15ml hr
8.Temp monitoring every 4 hourly.

Diagnosis:viral pyrexia under evaluation and known case of SLE.

Pt. Is conscious coherent and copertative
RR 18 cpm
TEMP 100.4F
BP 110/80mmHg
RS :BAE + ,clear
CVS: S1,S2 Heard , no added sounds
CNS :NO abnormalities 
P/A Soft and non tender

Plan of treatment
1.INJ NEOMOL 1GM IV if temp more than 102 F
2.Tab Dolo 650 mg po/BD
3.Inj ceftrioxone 1gm IV BD
4.Syrup BENADRYL 15mg po/BD
5.Tab Wysalone 30mg po/ OD
6.Tab Azathioprine 50mg po/OD
7.pan 40 mgpo/OD
8.Ivf 10 NS 10 RL @15ml hr
9.Temp monitoring every 4 hourly.
10.Inj piptaz 4.5 gm IV BD.


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