1801006111 LONG CASE
CHIEF COMPLAINT : A 42 year old male patient came to casuality with chief complaints of bilateral lower limb swelling (left>right) since 15 days, and shortness of breath since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS : •Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days later he noticed bilateral lower limb swelling which was insidious in onset gradually progressing pitting type ( left more than right ) extending up to the knees. h/o of breathlessness since 2 days which is Grade 2 initially progressed to Grade 3-4 associated with orthopnea & PND. No h/o cough, chest pain. No h/o pain abdomen, vomiting, loose stools. No h/o decreased urine output/ burning micturition and no other complaints. No palpitations No h/o syncopal attacks No h/o wheeze hemoptysis No h/o abdominal distension, fever, weightloss. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS : No similar complaints in the past. No h/o DM , HTN ,ASTHMA, CVD, Epilepsy. PERSONAL HISTORY : Diet – Mixed Appetite – Decreased Sleep – Decreased...